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 D型はアルバトロスデカール1/72の“Thud Alley”で5番目に図示されている“Pussy Galore III”、あの有名な写真のアレにする予定です。てことで、迷彩パターンの確認などしつつデカールに同梱されている解説書などを眺めていましたら(英文なので読めない(^◇^;))、なんとモノグラムのキットを初期型にする場合の改修点が列挙されているぢゃぁありませんか。全部で11点あるリストの1~5と9、10は自分で確認済み(つまり改修済み)だったのですが、6~8と11は気が付きませんでした。

1. Remove the combat documentation camera housing at the bottom of the front fuselage.
2. Fill in the 3 rows of vent slots on the gun compartment door on the left fuselage. (These vents were added after several episodes of gun gas building up in the gun compartment and thus blowing off the door!)
3. Remove the pipe fairing cover along the upper fuselage between the turtle deck and the verticai stabilizer and reshape the aft end of the turtle deck. (This fairing covered flight control hydraulic lines re routed to the upper fuselage after numerous planes were lost due to combat damage to both lines that were originally routed along the lower fuselage).
4. Do not install the rear fuselage scoops (Parts 21)
5. File off or scrape away the fuselage doubler plates behind and around where the rear scoops mount on both of the aft fuselage.
6. Open up the air intake vent at the forward base of the vertical stabilizer. (The lower part of the vent was blocked during the modification that installed the cooling scoops).
7. Do not install the "Y" vent (part32)
8. Before installing, shorten 3mm top of Saber Drain (called the "fuel dump", part 23)
9. Remove the two Radar Homing and Warning Blisters molded on each side at the top of the vertical stabilizer.
10. Snip off the small tube-like fittings at the front of each upper wing. (I'm not sure what they are supposed to represent)
11. Remove the doubler plates molded in the upper and lower wings. These were added after the wings began cracking.




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制作記:モノグラム1/72 F-105D/F/Gサンダーチーフ」カテゴリの記事





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